The present analysis is undertaken using the R programming language and environment for statistical computations. This analysis uses the R version 4.0.0 (Arbor Day) on a Windows 10 (x86_64 version) platform.
For the present exploratory analysis, I will be using the ggplot2
, dplyr
and statsr
packages. The ggplot2
package is very useful for visualisation whereas the dplyr
is used for cleaning and manipulating the data. The statsr
package is useful for statistical hypothesis testing and inference making. These packages can be downloaded from the CRAN repository using the command install.packages()
from the command line and then loaded by using the library()
command as follows:
The data for present analysis and its codebook is available from the following links:
## [1] 651 32
The movies
dataset is comprised of 651 randomly sampled movies from Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB that are produced and released before 2016.This dataset has 651 rows (observations) and 32 columns (variables).
Success of any movie depends on the number of its viewers and viewers often decide to watch a movie based on ratings on particular sites as Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. However, different websites are expected to have different methodology for rating a particular movie. It could be of interest that whether different methodologies arrive at similar conclusions for rating a particular movie. This will be useful for decision making that whom's ratings are more accurate.
- Is there any associiation between the ratings of IMDB and Rotten tomatoes?
- What are the different factors that affect Imdb ratings?
- Is there any associiation between the ratings of IMDB and Rotten tomatoes?
Firstly, we need to prepare the data and visualise it, if there are any indications of association.
mov <- movies %>%
select(runtime, imdb_rating, imdb_num_votes, critics_score, audience_score)
label <- round(cor(mov$imdb_rating, mov$audience_score), 3)
ggplot(data = mov, aes(x = imdb_rating, y = audience_score)) +
geom_point(size = 4, alpha = 0.2) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", size = 1.2, fill = "skyblue", alpha = 0.2) +
labs(x = "IMDB Rating", y = "Rotten Tomatoes Score") +
geom_label(aes(label = paste("R =", label), x = 3, y = 100), fill = "grey98",
size = 5) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 12), axis.title = element_text(size = 13))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
So, this plot clearly indicates a strong, positive and significant correlation among the audience_score
of Rotten Tomatoes and imdb_rating
of IMDB.Thus, it is likely that the ratings given by Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB would be similar for a particular movie.
- What are the different factors that affect these ratings?
For this, we will be first processing the data and then visualise scatterplots to identify the correlated variables which can be included in building a model. Here, I considered all relevant numerical variables and I will use a pair plot to visualise the correlation which will be helpful for Identificatiion of collinear variables
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning in ggally_statistic(data = data, mapping = mapping, na.rm = na.rm, :
## Removing 1 row that contained a missing value
## Warning in ggally_statistic(data = data, mapping = mapping, na.rm = na.rm, :
## Removing 1 row that contained a missing value
## Warning in ggally_statistic(data = data, mapping = mapping, na.rm = na.rm, :
## Removing 1 row that contained a missing value
## Warning in ggally_statistic(data = data, mapping = mapping, na.rm = na.rm, :
## Removing 1 row that contained a missing value
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
This plot suggests that all the variables are significanty and positively associated with each other. imdb_rating
, audience_score
and critics_score
are highly correlated with each other and therefore can be considered as collinear. Hence, modelling audience score based on imdb_rating will not be useful.
ggplot(data = movies, aes(y = genre, x = imdb_rating, fill = genre)) +
geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3") +
labs(x = "IMDB Rating", y = "Genre Categories") +
This plot suggests that IMdb ratings vary with genre type, so this variable may be useful for model building and explaining the variations in Imdb ratings.
Firstly, I intended to include the following variables genre
, runtime
, critics_score
, best_pic_nom
, best_pic_win
, best_actor_win
, best_actress_win
, best_dir_win
, top200_box
as explanatory variables for imdb_rating
mod.full <- lm(imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + best_pic_nom + best_pic_win +
best_actor_win + best_actress_win + best_dir_win +
data = movies)
## Call:
## lm(formula = imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
## audience_score + best_pic_nom + best_pic_win + best_actor_win +
## best_actress_win + best_dir_win + top200_box, data = movies)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.33344 -0.19757 0.04323 0.26991 1.18898
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.2122349 0.1328265 24.184 < 2e-16 ***
## genreAnimation -0.3797970 0.1680123 -2.261 0.02413 *
## genreArt House & International 0.2010354 0.1388045 1.448 0.14802
## genreComedy -0.1503038 0.0777194 -1.934 0.05357 .
## genreDocumentary 0.2644306 0.0962569 2.747 0.00618 **
## genreDrama 0.0491384 0.0671348 0.732 0.46448
## genreHorror 0.0939901 0.1149294 0.818 0.41378
## genreMusical & Performing Arts 0.0210666 0.1505808 0.140 0.88878
## genreMystery & Suspense 0.2474427 0.0861844 2.871 0.00423 **
## genreOther -0.0617032 0.1322960 -0.466 0.64109
## genreScience Fiction & Fantasy -0.1905717 0.1667185 -1.143 0.25344
## runtime 0.0048083 0.0010986 4.377 1.41e-05 ***
## critics_score 0.0102794 0.0009489 10.833 < 2e-16 ***
## audience_score 0.0339815 0.0013369 25.418 < 2e-16 ***
## best_pic_nomyes -0.0229083 0.1219116 -0.188 0.85101
## best_pic_winyes 0.0613583 0.2131165 0.288 0.77351
## best_actor_winyes 0.0307468 0.0554701 0.554 0.57957
## best_actress_winyes 0.0588868 0.0616389 0.955 0.33977
## best_dir_winyes 0.0590200 0.0805795 0.732 0.46417
## top200_boxyes -0.0140096 0.1262054 -0.111 0.91165
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.4671 on 630 degrees of freedom
## (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared: 0.8201, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8146
## F-statistic: 151.1 on 19 and 630 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Here, many predictors are not significant therefore, inclusion of such variables may not useful for model building.
mod <- lm(imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
data = movies)
## Call:
## lm(formula = imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
## audience_score, data = movies)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.34430 -0.20090 0.03524 0.27085 1.17364
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.1675348 0.1251241 25.315 < 2e-16 ***
## genreAnimation -0.3681453 0.1668808 -2.206 0.0277 *
## genreArt House & International 0.1997289 0.1376430 1.451 0.1473
## genreComedy -0.1410076 0.0766630 -1.839 0.0663 .
## genreDocumentary 0.2611971 0.0945446 2.763 0.0059 **
## genreDrama 0.0573713 0.0655556 0.875 0.3818
## genreHorror 0.0953283 0.1141619 0.835 0.4040
## genreMusical & Performing Arts 0.0156689 0.1491699 0.105 0.9164
## genreMystery & Suspense 0.2613679 0.0846405 3.088 0.0021 **
## genreOther -0.0599035 0.1311583 -0.457 0.6480
## genreScience Fiction & Fantasy -0.1913924 0.1660092 -1.153 0.2494
## runtime 0.0052878 0.0010182 5.193 2.78e-07 ***
## critics_score 0.0104037 0.0009376 11.096 < 2e-16 ***
## audience_score 0.0339006 0.0013210 25.663 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.4657 on 636 degrees of freedom
## (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared: 0.8194, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8157
## F-statistic: 222 on 13 and 636 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
So, our full model will include genre
, runtime
, critics_score
, and audience_score
The excluded variables such as title, title_type, date of release, names of actor or director etc. would be independent of ratings of a movie. Therefore, these factors would not be useful for the model.
For this particular excercise we want to increase accuracy as much as possible for accurate predictions. Therefore, the adjusted \(R^2\) approach will be more useful than the \(p\)-value approach because it tends to include more predictors in the final model. However, forward or backward selection startegies should not affect the models because both arrive at same selections.
Firstly, let's check the summary for our full model. Then, we will follow a backward step-by-step varibale removal.
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
)$adj.r.squared #full
## [1] 0.8157366
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score)
)$adj.r.squared #full - audience_score
## [1] 0.6255103
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime +
)$adj.r.squared #full - critics_score
## [1] 0.7804091
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + critics_score +
)$adj.r.squared #full - runtime
## [1] 0.8083692
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ runtime + critics_score +
)$adj.r.squared #full - genre
## [1] 0.8052136
So elimination of any one of the varibale does not increased the adjusted \(R^2\) for the model. Therefore, this approach suggest that this is the best model. However, we can try a forward selection strategy by adding variables stepwise.
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
)$adj.r.squared #full
## [1] 0.8157366
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + title_type)
)$adj.r.squared #full + title_type
## [1] 0.8156099
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + mpaa_rating)
)$adj.r.squared #full + mpaa_rating
## [1] 0.8156545
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + studio)
)$adj.r.squared #full + studio
## [1] 0.8287225
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + thtr_rel_year)
)$adj.r.squared #full + thtr_rel_year
## [1] 0.8162955
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + thtr_rel_month)
)$adj.r.squared #full + thtr_rel_month
## [1] 0.8162643
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + dvd_rel_year)
)$adj.r.squared #full + dvd_rel_year
## [1] 0.812822
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + imdb_num_votes)
)$adj.r.squared #full + imdb_num_votes
## [1] 0.8209607
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + critics_rating)
)$adj.r.squared #full + critics_rating
## [1] 0.8190748
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + audience_rating)
)$adj.r.squared #full + audience_rating
## [1] 0.8232743
summary(lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + director)
)$adj.r.squared #full + director
## [1] 0.9057357
So, adding the variable director
, studio
, audience_rating
, imdb_num_votes
, critics_rating
has increased the model adj.r.squared in that order. However, critics_rating
is in turn developed from critics_score
, therefore these are collinear. Further, the director
and studio
variables may also make model unreliable because most the movies are produced by several indepedent directors and studios. Therefore, inclusion of these variables would not be a good idea.
mod <- lm(data = movies, imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
audience_score + imdb_num_votes)
## Call:
## lm(formula = imdb_rating ~ genre + runtime + critics_score +
## audience_score + imdb_num_votes, data = movies)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.39955 -0.19572 0.03305 0.25980 1.10929
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.329e+00 1.286e-01 25.879 < 2e-16 ***
## genreAnimation -3.579e-01 1.645e-01 -2.176 0.029949 *
## genreArt House & International 2.722e-01 1.367e-01 1.992 0.046844 *
## genreComedy -1.236e-01 7.567e-02 -1.633 0.102956
## genreDocumentary 3.618e-01 9.593e-02 3.772 0.000177 ***
## genreDrama 1.011e-01 6.537e-02 1.546 0.122528
## genreHorror 1.111e-01 1.126e-01 0.987 0.324070
## genreMusical & Performing Arts 1.181e-01 1.489e-01 0.793 0.427953
## genreMystery & Suspense 2.740e-01 8.348e-02 3.282 0.001087 **
## genreOther -6.208e-02 1.293e-01 -0.480 0.631274
## genreScience Fiction & Fantasy -2.034e-01 1.637e-01 -1.243 0.214467
## runtime 3.928e-03 1.050e-03 3.742 0.000199 ***
## critics_score 1.026e-02 9.248e-04 11.095 < 2e-16 ***
## audience_score 3.241e-02 1.345e-03 24.103 < 2e-16 ***
## imdb_num_votes 8.203e-07 1.855e-07 4.422 1.15e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.459 on 635 degrees of freedom
## (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared: 0.8248, Adjusted R-squared: 0.821
## F-statistic: 213.6 on 14 and 635 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
So, the above model gives the highest adjusted r squared value. Therefore, we will select this model.
\[\begin{align} \ \widehat {imdb\_rating} = & 3.329 - 0.036 \times genre_{Animation} + 0.272 \times genre_{ArtHouseInt} - 0.123 \times genre_{Comedy}\\ & + 0.362 \times genre_{Documentary} + 0.101 \times genre_{Drama} + 0.111 \times genre_{Horror}\\ & + 0.118 \times genre_{MusicPerformaceArts} + 0.274 \times genre_{MysterySuspense} - 0.062 \times genre_{Other}\\ & - 0.203 \times genre_{ScienceFictionFantasy} + 0.0039 \times runtime + 0.010 \times critics\_score\\ & + 0.0324 \times audience\_score + 0.000 \times imdb\_num\_votes\\ \end{align}\]
ggplot(data = mod, aes(x = mod$fitted.values, y = mod$residuals)) +
geom_point(size = 4, alpha = 0.3, color = "skyblue") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red", size = 1) +
labs(x = "fitted", y = "residuals", title = "Linear Associatiion") +
The residuals are randomly distributed though at lower end some are not well fitted. Since our data has sufficiently large number of samples, this may not be violation of assumptions
Again , the above plot of residuals vs fitted values shows a slight fan-shaped distribution at lower end, however, sufficiently large sample size can compensate this slight divergence.
ggplot(data = mod, aes(x = mod$fitted.values, y = abs(mod$residuals))) +
geom_point(size = 4, alpha = 0.3, color = "skyblue") +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red", alpha = 0.3)+
labs(x = "Fitted", y = "Absolute Residuals", title = "Constant Variance") +
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
This plot suggests that there is more evident variability for fitted values that are smaller.
ggplot(data = mod, aes(sample = mod$residuals)) +
geom_qq(size = 4, alpha = 0.3, color = "skyblue") +
geom_qq_line(color = "red", size = 1.2) +
labs(x = "fitted", y = "residuals", title = "Normality of Residuals") +
The residuals are fairly normal but at the lower end they diverges from the normality. Therefore, this data is left skewed, however, large number of samples can overcome this skewness of data.
ggplot(data = mod, aes(x = mod$residuals)) +
geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "skyblue", bins = 15) +
labs(x = "Residuals", y = "Count", title = "Outliers")+
So, this histogram of residuals suggests that the residuals are left skewed. Since this is a very large data set, only particularly extreme observations would be a concern in this particular case. There are no extreme observations that might cause a concern.
As samples are drawn randomsly, we can assume independence.
So, our model fairly follows the assumptions of linear regression models.
If all other held constant, the imdb rating for a comedy movie is expected to be 0.034 times higher than an Action and Adeventure movie on average.
If all other held constant, the imdb rating for a movie is expected to be 0.01 times higher for every unit increase in critics score on average.
Similarly, If all other variables are held constant, the imdb ratings are expected to be 0.0324 times higher for every unit increase in audience score on average.
The intercept describes the average outcome of response variable \(y\) if the \(x = 0\). So our final model suggests that if all other variables are forced to be 0, than the average imdb rating will be 3.17. Thus, our model predicts an imdb rating of 3.17 for a particular movied even if does not get a score in any variable.
I have picked the movie Deadpool
for prediction. This was a Sci-Fi movie. The data about this movie can be accessed from the following links:
From these website url for the movie, I have colected the relevant data which is useful for prediction and stored in a neew variabled called as
. <- data.frame(title ="Deadpool", title_type ="", genre ="Science Fiction & Fantasy",
runtime = 108, mpaa_rating = "", studio = "", imdb_rating = 8.0,
imdb_num_votes = 881589, critics_rating = "Certified Fresh",
audience_rating = "", critics_score = 85, audience_score = 90)
For prediction, I have used the base function prediction()
as follows:
predict(object = mod, newdata =, interval = "prediction", level = 0.95)
## fit lwr upr
## 1 8.06272 7.075301 9.05014
The original imdb rating for the movie at the website is 8.0, which is very much close to the predicted imdb_rating.So for this particular case model accuracy is \(\frac {8.0}{8.06} \times 100 = 99.26\%\)
The 95% prediction intervals were genrated using the prediction function and setting the significance level at 95% (0.95). The 95% prediction interval comes out to be 7.075 to 9.05 which is a broader interval suggesting the fmoderate uncertainity in the prediction.
So, we are 95% confident that the imdb rating predicted by this model for this particular movie to be 7.07 to 9.05 on avergae.
\[\begin{align} \ \widehat {imdb\_rating} = & 3.329 - 0.036 \times genre_{Animation} + 0.272 \times genre_{ArtHouseInt} - 0.123 \times genre_{Comedy}\\ & + 0.362 \times genre_{Documentary} + 0.101 \times genre_{Drama} + 0.111 \times genre_{Horror}\\ & + 0.118 \times genre_{MusicPerformaceArts} + 0.274 \times genre_{MysterySuspense} - 0.062 \times genre_{Other}\\ & - 0.203 \times genre_{ScienceFictionFantasy} + 0.0039 \times runtime + 0.010 \times critics\_score\\ & + 0.0324 \times audience\_score + 0.00000082 \times imdb\_num\_votes\\ \end{align}\]
genre <- 1
runtime <- 108
critics_score <- 85
audience_score <- 90
imdb_num_votes <- 881589
imdbrating <- 3.329 - 0.2034*genre +0.00392*runtime + 0.01026*critics_score +
0.03241*audience_score + 0.00000082*imdb_num_votes
round(imdbrating, 2)
## [1] 8.06
Conclusion: Correlation
is useful for estimating the association between two variables whereas Regression
is useful for model building and prediction of outcomes using a set of explanatory variables. These models and there predictions are find many applications in the real world such as prediction of elections,movies rating etc. These techniques can be really powerful for some cases where model accuracy can be achieved over 90%.
Cohesive synthesis of findings: This particular case-study suggest that there is a strong, positive and significant relationship between the movies ratings of IMDB
and Rotten Tomatoes
. However, there are variability and differences for movies recieving poor ratings. The IMDB ratings
depend on several factors, but some factors can be useful for modelling an dprediction. It appears that genre
, audience score
, critics score
and runtime
are important factors that infuence the rating of any movie.
Discussion of shortcomings: Though linear models can approximate the relationship between two variables, these models have real limitations. Afterall, these are simply modeling frameworks and the truth can be far more complex than our simple expectations. There is always scope of several uncertainities in the form of model selection, variable selection, and accuracy of the models. we never know all the useful predictors and therefore there is always uncertainity. Further, Model accuracy can never be achieved 100% due to realistic limitation. Moreover, we do not know how the data will behave outside of our limited scope. Similarly, non-linear relationships can pose challange to modelling and accurate predictions.